C Line is a new kind of bus service for the Twin Cities’ busiest urban streets. Rapid bus service is a package of transit enhancements that adds up to a faster trip and improved experience. This project completed the Categorical Exclusion for the C Line Corridor which runs from Brooklyn Center to Downtown Minneapolis.
Zan Associates managed a consultant team for the preparation of the documented Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the C Line arterial Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project running from downtown Minneapolis, along Highway 55 and Penn Avenue to Brooklyn Center. The CE will serve as the NEPA clearance document for the Federal Transit Administration. Zan Associates was the prime consultant for the CE and was responsible for project management, technical analysis, and technical writing. Zan Associates was the lead technical analyst for the CE sections on land use and zoning, traffic impacts, visual quality, hazardous material, social impacts/disruption, environmental justice, and public parkland/recreation areas. In addition, Zan Associates provided public involvement support to Metropolitan Council staff.