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The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) conducted a study that analyzed I-494 and Hwy 62 between the Minneapolis-Saint Paul (MSP) International Airport on the east and the I-494/Hwy 62 interchange on the west. The analysis looked at potential future improvements to the I-494 and Hwy 62 corridors including adding MnPASS Express Lanes, auxiliary lanes, turn lanes, dynamic shoulders, modifying interchanges and improving transit accessibility
and travel options for transit.


Zan Associates is coordinating all public outreach activities for the project which is occurring in three main phases. Each phase utilizes a variety of engagement methods including an online survey and targeted phone survey; tabling at community events such as farmers markets and neighborhood festivals; and MetroQuest (a web-based engagement tool). Additional communications tools include a project website; social media; project update flyers; and email notifications.  

I-494/Hwy 62

Congestion Relief Study

Minnesota Department of Transportation


Metro Area, MN

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