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The Richfield Pedestrian Plan is a document that will be used to evaluate existing pedestrian facilities in Richfield and measure pedestrian demand based for a given place based on land uses, demographics, and the physical features of environments in Richfield. The plan provides guidance on new and emerging pedestrian design tools and recommendations for implementation of a citywide pedestrian improvement program.


Zan Associates created a pedestrian plan that reflects the values of Richfield, is grounded in best practices, and is focused on implementation. To create the plan, staff began by building a comprehensive understanding of the existing pedestrian conditions, including a synthesis of existing programs and policies, a high-level inventory of existing pedestrian facilities, and confirmation of the overarching community vision for the pedestrian system. Staff then evaluated the existing pedestrian system, including a review of pedestrian demand and identification of gaps and barriers in the pedestrian network. Finally, staff developed a plan that includes a citywide pedestrian plan maps and related classifications, measures, pedestrian toolkit, and an implementation framework. The final document was presented in a concise, easy to read summary report with supporting technical documentation to clearly communicate the Richfield Pedestrian Plan findings to stakeholders and policy makers.

Richfield Pedestrian


City of Richfield


Richfield, MN

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