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The Rush Line Corridor Pre-Project Development Study, led by Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority (RCRRA), focused on identifying one mode and one alignment for adoption as the corridor’s Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) Public involvement for the Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development study which determined the benefits, costs and impacts of implementing a fixed guideway transit in the Riverview Corridor between Union Depot in downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Mall of America. The project resulted in the identification of a locally preferred alternative (LPA) for adoption by the Metropolitan Council in the region’s long-range plan, the Transportation Policy Plan. 


Zan Associates served as the public involvement coordinator for the Riverview Corridor Pre-Project Development study. We were responsible for all public outreach activities including:

  • Attending Technical and Policy Advisory Committee meetings and providing reports on public outreach activities

  • Organizing and implementing public meetings including neighborhood meetings, business association meetings and public open houses (meeting logistics, handouts, announcements, news releases, meeting summaries, collecting and tracking public comments, interpreters, meeting attendance)

  • Organizing and implementing pop-up meetings at local events and mini-open houses at existing transit centers and park/ride lots (logistics, handouts, announcements, meeting summaries, collecting and tracking public comments, attendance)

  • Preparing project newsletters (text, graphics, logo design, publication, translation, distribution)

  • Preparing content for website, social media and text updates (Facebook and Twitter)

  • Organizing and implementing other on-street activities (logistics, handouts, display materials, interpreters, and other tasks as appropriate)

  • Providing special outreach to under-engaged populations

  • Participating in project management team and providing advice on public issues and public outreach activities

Riverview Corridor

Pre-Project Development Study

Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority


Ramsey County, MN

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