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The Snelling Avenue Multimodal Transportation Plan was a study of Snelling Avenue between Selby Avenue and the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in the City of Saint Paul. The study, which was a joint undertaking of MnDOT, Ramsey County and the City of St. Paul, assessed the safety and mobility needs of the corridor and investigated feasible multimodal transportation solutions for meeting those needs. The neighborhoods along the corridor were very interested in improving pedestrian and bicycle conditions along the roadway, which is a state highway that crosses both I-94 and several railroads. 

Zan Associates coordinated all public involvement for the project including public meetings, business outreach, stakeholder 
meetings, website coordination, project newsletters, public 
recommendations and email updates. Zan helped to design and 
facilitate a design workshop or charrette with the Technical 
Advisory Committee and a citizens’ Task Force, which was 
significant factor in reaching consensus on project recommendations. The results of the project included multimodal recommendations that emphasized improving pedestrian crossings along the corridor, providing improved bicycle facilities along Snelling Avenue over I-94 and across the railroads, and providing bicycle connections to parallel bike boulevards in the more constrained section between Hamline University and I-94.


Snelling Avenue

Multimodal Study

Minnesota Department of Transportation


St. Paul, MN

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